The Course In Miracles by David Hoffmeister is the third in his series of books which uses the Wheel Of Fortune game to teach you how to handle your life. So, what is so special about David Hoffmanmeister's Free Audio Lessons from a Broken Mind? As I heard him say, "I don't pretend to be an expert in this field, but I do play with people's heads", so basically, he is trying to help you see things from their point of view. In this book, you'll learn how to forgive those who have hurt you will also be taught how to develop a strong inner will to not allow the fear of the world around you dictate how you see things.
When you read his books, you will realize that David has put his finger on something that most people overlook. That is the ability of your mind and consciousness to create miracles. Most people believe that god can only work in the form of action or physical manifestations, but David says that you can use your mind to create miracles just as you can with tangible items. To make your case, all you need to do is listen to David Hoffmanmeister Free Audio Lessons from a Broken Mind. Once you do, you will realize that what you have been doing your entire life - the whole struggle with the self and the world - is totally unnecessary and pointless, and that you are, in fact, living in a state of pure mind and spirit!
What does this have to do with you? You'll find out in the next chapter, when you will get to know David as he teaches you in his course in miracles. He will give you an example of forgiveness and then describe why forgiveness is important, how it works and how you can use it to become more successful and influential. Once you get a firm grasp on forgiveness, you will be able to do things and solve problems better because you have power over who you are - your inner mind and your subconscious mind. What does this have to do with you and your Law of Attraction workbook?
First, when you listen to David Hoffmanmeister's free audios, you will have a firm grasp on forgiveness, because you will hear it spoken by the author himself. Remember, all he is saying is what God wants us to do. In other words, the author has worked hard to design a very powerful Law of Attraction training course with which you can base your success on. You see, most people do not understand the true power of their subconscious mind and what it can do for them. So, once you understand this aspect of the Law of Attraction and begin using the audio recordings from the Law of Attraction training course, you will be on your way to gaining all kinds of success.
Second, when you use the David Hoffmeister free audios and apply the lessons that are embedded within, you will find yourself moving to see your life in a new light. When your ego shuts down and you look within instead of against your reality, you will begin to see that you have an ego, a false image of yourself and a distorted view of your reality. Once you learn to forgive those who have hurt you, or your family, or your friends, you will find that you will no longer allow your ego to block you from seeing things for what they really are, or life for what it is.
Third, through the Law of Attraction you will experience a true sense of peace and joy. When your ego mind tries to block you from enjoying the present, or from enjoying life, you will feel threatened and this leads you to be angry, frustrated, sad, depressed and so forth. However, when you let go of the need to control everything around you, when you learn to let go of your need to control other people and situations, then you will experience a feeling of bliss because you are no longer threatened by your ego. You will then experience the original separation, which is opening up to receive the love and abundance that life has to offer. This feeling of bliss is the reason why many people feel free and light hearted, despite living in harsh, difficult and cruel worlds.